Friday, February 25, 2005

Five formative hypothetical possibilities that could assail you on this, the 56th day of 2005

  1. you will leave work and go to a restaurant to meet your friend, the one who checked herself into the local “crisis center” on the 53rd day of 2005 after having a particularly bad week. you will certainly feel the force of the saying that truth is stranger than fiction. She will be able to leave the center without an escort because today – surprise! – is her birthday. You will stop to load up your friend’s dogs in your car, because she will want to see them. You will stop and buy a carton of cigarettes, because she will want to smoke them. You will order a large burrito, slathered with cheese, onions, and ‘mole, and you will chew your food with mouth closed, be supportive, and to be honest I really don’t know what the fuck else might happen, I’ve never been to this restaurant either so in terms of clientele, alcoholic beverage selection, the admission policy on dogs – I can’t help. You will be the one grasping for words, not wanting to invoke the relevant fact that signing out and signing back in are what will follow after all this fork-lifting. You will sing, in scratchy-throated agony, a rendition of happy birthday, and smoke seventeen cigarettes over the course of the meal, before going back to your living space and staring at the wall, wondering what they told your friend about coming back ten minutes late and half-drunk besides.
  2. you could go to a movie. Haven’t done that in awhile. Maybe an indie film, or one with subtitles. You could ask that girl in the building over who rides the motorcyle, she might say yes. If she said yes, you would most likely back out. You are not in it to win it tonight. You just want to sulk in a dark place, with something televisually captivating in front of you, and maybe smoke a spliff beforehand on your walk to the movie theatre. or maybe you say fuck the movie. Maybe you do something else. You are after all unbound by cultural constraint. You could get dressed up and go eat by yourself in a prohibitively nice restaurant, and drink a bottle of wine by yourself so all the other diners notice you, the aberration, the young lonely nicely dressed young man who happens to have passed out face-first in the wild plum pudding.
  3. you will climb to the top of that canyon back behind Lone Pine Ridge, where all the mule deer gather, with flashlight and flask in hand, to wait for the coyotes to start hauling themselves to the opposite ridge. You will wait all night to hear them howl out prayers. The moon will be full, so the flashlight is precautionary if also something like a security blanket, but perhaps you should bring a gun. If so talk to the roommate, but do so with enough grace and finesse that he will neither invite himself nor feel hurt at not being invited. This is some primal shit; no need to insert small talk into the chain. Be sure to bundle the fuck up; can’t have fire and a chorus of coyotes at the same time. It’s one or the other, and you’re seeking out song tonight.
  4. You will stay at work till seven, wrapping up that bullshit outreach project your eel of a boss saddled you with. You will go home, heat up some leftover lasagna, watch a bit of the game, masturbate to images of your 11th grade English teacher, Miss Applebaum, and go to bed.
  5. at 12:07 am on the 57th day of 2005, you will yell "Victory for the forces of democratic freedom" and once more smoothly transition into the realm of fiction, becoming, once more, an imaginative character and amalgam of late nineties self-help idiom.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Unreal city. Funereal city.

Caveat: Heavy drinking and significant amounts of TV watching, combined with occasional
perusals of assigned reading which involved concepts like "genetic epistemology," were all in play during the composition process.


Thus we can readily learn all that Newton has set forth in his immortal work, in the Principle of Natural Philosophy, however great a hand was required to discover it, but we cannot learn to write spirited poetry, however express may be the precepts of art and however excellent its model.

- Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgment

I have done differential calculus. I learned differential calculus under the influence of a crazy Canadian leftist graduate student whose specialty was topology, whom I remember most for wearing a shirt with a raised fist in whose clenched fingers lay a carrot. The fist was rendered in the style of socialist realism, the carrot as a Bugs Bunny prop. Aren’t aesthetic schemata instructive?


This living hand, now warm and capable

Of earnest grasping, would, if it were cold

And in the icy silence of the tomb,

So haunt thy days and chill thy dreaming nights

That thou would wish thine own heart dry of blood,

So in my veins red life might stream again,

And thou be conscience-calmed. See, here it is –

I hold it towards you.

- Jon Keats (allegedly)

The title of this blog is based on my attempt to ride a horse named Magic on a Montana day whose surreal spectrum contained sunlight, snow, hail, rain, and mist in the same frame. Magic is a paint with one blue eye and one brown eye. A “paint” is a kind of horse, a breed, much like – and here I might reach beyond my understanding of horses – a golden retriever or great dane. On this schizophrenic day, I “caught” Magic with the aid of his natural curiosity and the engrained concept he had acquired in his youth that an untied rope around his neck was the same as a lasso that would strangle him if he thought he could escape it. I led Magic to a post and tied his lead rope. The way it was tied, I could release him in a second but he couldn’t break loose without breaking the rope.

Prior to saddling a horse, one brushes and picks its feet. I brushed him down, fed him a few treats, and brought out the hoof picker. I let him smell it, reached down to his left foreleg, and picked it up. Horses wear shoes. They are half-circles of metal – iron perhaps, I don’t really know – that are pounded into their hooves. Picking hooves amounts to scraping horse shit out of the empty space that forms in the intersection of hoof and shoe.

Horses kill people. They dislodge their riders and proceed to stomp on them like a Blue Line train running over a depressed person who summoned the courage to jump. Picking hooves involves putting your head in a position within reach of their hooves. Horses’ hooves, more than anything else, are what kill people. Accordingly, picking hooves invokes a fear that one can suppress through trust. I trusted, and continue to trust, Magic. On that day, in my cowboy boots that don’t fit me physically and probably don’t fit me stylistically, I leaned down and picked up Magic’s right foreleg. He gave it to me, I cleaned the shit out of his hoof, and set it down. I went to his rear leg. He gave it to me, and I found a rock the size of my fist wedged in the space his hoof and shoe formed. I proceeded to work on dislodging the rock, with the image of myself falling on the ground and being pummeled into a bloody pulp by the horse I find more endearing than half of my co-workers.

I got the rock out, picked his left fore and rear legs, and placed Magic’s saddle blanket on his back. He snapped his head up and down, his eyes rolled back in his head, and I paused to rub his cheek. He calmed, I put his saddle on, tightened his cinch – which is like the equivalent of having a corset ratcheted around his gut – and walked away to smoke a cigarette. I am still a neophyte in riding horses, but I have been taught to give them time to accept the fact their will is about to be made subordinate to a being one fifth of their size. After stomping out the dislodged cherry of my cigarette, I untied Magic’s lead rope, walked him out of the corral, closed the gate, and re-tied him to another post. He whinnied, pawed the ground with his hooves, and looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

Inexperienced and trusting, I untied Magic and climbed up on his back with an unsubstantiated faith in his fidelity to my own purpose. I thought I had taken care of the rock in his hoof when I removed it. Thing is, it left a bruise. He had when walking around on the rock for the better part of two days. So when I got on his back, and he shifted his weight to that back left leg, his experience was something like that of a human who had taken a few shots to the heels with a hammer and then was made to stand on his own feet.

Magic was not happy about my being on his back. We pirouetted together – he snorted – I kicked him in the ribs to try to redirect him to where we should be headed – and we pirouetted again, in a tighter circle, and the divergence between his agenda and my own became clear. I almost fell – visions of having my brain come out my ears rising once again – he crowhopped - i really almost fell - i reined him in - we moved towards the corner post of the corral - and then I had the wisdom to call good enough good enough – I stepped off Magic, unsaddled him, and gave him a big bucket of oats.


Three months before, I was assigned the task of feeding Magic and his four cohorts – Truman, Teddy, Manny, and Sapphire. Feeding the horses came to be my duty after the maintenance man fell on some ice and cracked his ribs. At first, the horses refused my initial advances and grew more cantankerous by the day, which led me to poetry. One day I woke up and took my $1 copy of Robert Frost’s North of Boston to work. I entered the corral, sized up the horses, read the first stanza of “Fences,” and proceeded with the feeding. Who knows whether they heard what I read, and to be honest who cares? One stanza calmed me enough to stay out of their way, to get done what needed to be done, and to exit once what needed to be done was done. One stanza got their attention, isolated where I was physically, and – as I continued to recite day after day – established a rhythm to which they could become habituated. I moved from Frost to Williams, and later to Auden, which was a mistake. They took to Auden like I take to penicillin – it’s on my chart, the nurses should know better, but they give it to me anyway. Two hour later my face is blotched with red streaks, my esophagus is half-closed, and cardiac arrest is two minutes away.

Auden says poetry makes nothing happen, which reminds me of those artist types who thrust their painting or whatever on you and say, “it’s really not good” or “I’m so unhappy with it,” and you know they expect you to come to the rescue with heartfelt disagreement. Auden's poetry - and I'm not speaking of the Icarus poem - literally sent the horses running into the back pasture, away from their food.


Poets . . . .[BLAH BLAH BLAH something something Milton this Milton revolution is imminent] are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

- Pierce Shelley, In Defence of Poetry

Are terrorists, with their teleological theology of the damned and the saved, the unacknowledged legislators of the world? Are their counterparts in our country the unacknowledged legislators of the world? Are television programmers? Are pundits? Are cancer patients who want to kill themselves with drugs to head off the pain? Do you honestly give a fuck? About terrorists? About evangelicals? Programmers? Cancer patients? Poets?


It is common nowadays to see “rollercoaster ride” invoked as a superlative in the blurbs on the backs of books of fiction. The thing about rollercoasters is you have some sense of what’s coming: you rise, you fall, and you glean enjoyment from the rising and falling. Poetry isn’t a rollercoaster ride, it’s a ride on a wounded horse. That sounds quaint and clever to me, and sentimental and facile to you, but I mean it: take that first step, and have what lies beneath you shift and turn and squirm, a half ton of something alive that you can attempt to lead but inevitably configures you and your range of motion to a sequence of events that challenges your expectations, gives you a different perspective, and leaves you hoping you won’t plummet.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Dem Horses Done Got Crunked

George W. Bush is the first President since John Quincy Adams to serve a full term without vetoing anything. (Also: Quincy named his first born son George Washington Adams.) I think veto should officially be changed to Call Bullshit On. I don’t think George W. Bush likes to call bullshit on things. Does having a father who wields the authority of Dad privately and the authority of President publicly lend itself to a fear of calling bullshit on numerous things deserving of the appellation?

If the Democrats had their own gay escort pseudonymous reporter with a reputation for tax fraud and working on the inside, I would hasten to think it might be a good idea to put a note in his hand with the message: "ask bush why he's afraid to call bullshit on anything"

Mr. Lif’s Emergency Rations makes me wish I was in a big city where I could keep up on all the neologisms in place during a given month for indicating excessively pleasurable/admirable musical attributes. This CD – well, the first four songs on the CD, which is all I’ve heard of it – is, among other things:

Nouns/Noun-type things:

Phlebotomy incarnated through music

Sisyphus’s solution




Bad (as in good)

On the “in need of scrutiny” list of at least seven employees of the Dept of HL Security

“Radio” in substance, but guerilla in spirit





(my buddy zach is a studio engineer and purportedly one of Chicago’s best lovers [exclusively with chicks though], and some of his clients are ontologically authentic hip-hoppers. Evidently “radio” is a term repeatedly invoked to indicate the degree to which a song’s hook tears into the lips of the listeners it tries to lure. As in: “Drop that beat the first time it runs through, and bring it back. [track is played; heads begin to nod]. Yeah, yeah – that shit’s radio.” )_

The morning crawls on.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Minor Threat in the morning, Marvin Gaye in the evening

1) the Big Boss Man of my workplace recently returned from a little time in the Dominican Republic. He came back with Cuban cigars and two liqueur-filled coconuts from which each employee was instructed to take a shot. He derided and cajoled everyone who displayed reluctance, including an intern fresh out of high school. I work in Fantasyland, and I just wanted you to know that.

2) There are people in my online class who insist on applying every reading to Michael Jackson’s current situation. Someone commented on the psychological pressures a child star endures, and someone else responded with the admission that she herself had just ended a serious relationship with a child star who did in fact exhibit many maladaptations as a result of the psychological pressures he accrued from age 5 to 17. Bottom line: I wish there was an email function by which you could deliver a right cross. Education as a field is for bottom-feeders. And I am one of them.

3) Pitchers and catchers are scheduled to start doing what they do – soon the day will come when I look forward to turning on the square projector of images. True or false: Giambi is to Jeter this year as Vladi was to Magic the year of the Running Over to Get Hugged with Hands behind Back Championship? This of course implies that Jeter has an autoimmune disorder, which is not true. So. We are left with hoping for lots of beards and Doug of the Last Name that Dare Not Be Spelled renting out the ball.

4) Glare glower charge slap hit scream pull punch punch punch fall stand chug sit fall laugh hug chug chug chug: actions observed at small town bar between two women who are tougher than you are and – though this is as subjective as judgments come – hot.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

having nothing to say means never having to say you're sorry

galloping gopher guts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1) dear reality:

are you kidding me?

2) dear enigmatic friend of mine who insists on asking for less
than i would be willing to give freely,

your recent accusation of underachievement and "settling" by way of
encouragement and compliment was quite startling.

4) dear sixteen year old self:

so you've got the room with the book shelf and the single bulb
lamp, with the ashtrays and the view of unpeopled unparalleled
beauty. i've done a lot for you. i've done things that people my
age shouldn't do, for no other reason than to see if you'd still
notice. So. I've done my part. Your turn.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


1) dear anonymous University of Montana professor
do not buy the house i live in. please. realtor, you scamp - the bathroom was
clean, and as far as i'm concerned a dirty oven shows that a house
is a home - but you, professor, lover of knowledge,
keeper of secrets, purveyor of pablum: seek solace
elsewhere. i like my room, and i can see the mountains
every morning. so do not buy the house i live in.

2) Jose Canseco is like the guy who plants the bomb,
calls the police to warn them of it, and then tries
to collect a reward for his self-entanglement. i
call bullshit on Jose Canseco.

3) ahem. having neither followed the trail of
droppings you left which unbeknownst to you
revealed your approximate location, nor pulled the
trigger of the gun that shot the bullet that killed you,
Deer, nor escorted you from your home in the wooded
enclaves of central Ohio in which you spent your youth,
nor prepared the chili that you made so marvelous and good,
I say to you Deer: you were quite good. i honor the grass that
became your marbled muscle which became my lunch, and which
will only add to the fat I have accumulated this winter. Your death
was quite possibly in vain - did i really even need another bowl of chili?
But your life, the spring in your step, your little white tail bouncing with
so much energy and vivacity, this will live in, in me, until I meet my own end.