Tuesday, January 25, 2005

the kids i know'll leave you flabbergasted

1) seriously. the kids i know - even casual acquaintances or friend-of-a-friend type individual - they all leave me crying for more. one friend from college is out in park city doing something w/ the sundance film festival and leaving messages on my cellphone that feature impromptu hellos from my former neighbor, an older girl for whom i had the most intense heterosexual feelings as a preteen and post-puberty adolescent: my college friend met my way-back-in-the-past-friend-upon-whom-i-directed-all-my-libidinous-energy at a bar and thereby confirmed for me that it is indeed a small world after all. i've been playing phone tag with this college friend for like two weeks, and i'm sure the phone conversation we'll eventually have just won't do justice to how badly i want to know everything that's going on his head. phone calls, email, the whole communicative structure does not suffice when set against my rabid fascination with what other people are doing. whether they are in new york, DC, Monfuckingtana , SoDak nation, Chi-city, West Hyde Park (AKA the bay area) - no matter where, my friends flabbergast me and outstretch my wildest imaginative renderings of what they might be accomplishing now and what they might accomplish in the future.

there are too many constituent parts to try to maintain and keep well-oiled. so. i guess lemme know about it. be good. avoid being clever.

2) but enough about individuals other than yours truly. i officially shocked myself today. i am more a math man than a verbal man. so say the scores. i wish i could have remembered what pulchritude meant. alas . . .
3) long sixteen hour drive tomorrow. headed west into the sun for that last part, too. i saw a big white truck today with duelies (two wheels on each back axle, thereby raising the total number of wheels to six) and this message detailed across the back window said:
"GIT ER DONE." I could not agree more. Ungrammatical profundity is America at its finest.

more later after i'd had my goodbye beers.


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