Oh. Eh. Why. Eye. Eee. OAYIE.

1) Movies
Murderball - crowd noises and yelling emanate from downstairs, where parents and sibling watch this docudrama about paraplegiacs (SP?) playing dodgeball.
In America - I love Irish people. Cute little Irish girls with big eyes, all the more so. I also like painters with AIDs (the one I knew in Chicago at least), so demographically speaking this is right up my alley. I don't like babies dying, though, or - more accurately - the possibility of babies dying. All in all, enjoyable.
Collateral - I have seen this before, in a theatre to boot. I all capitals HATE this movie, despite the soothing Michael Mann cinematography. Don't use a cellphone as a plot device. Tom Cruise, I hope, will be struck down by the Triune God in which we all secretly believe (or am I reaching?).
2) Grandparent outburts
A) Nothing to do about em. Yes, you are in the right, and they are in the wrong (offensively so) but that does not "count." What "counts" is they've had three glasses of wine and your 0-fer in the procreative department leaves you open to thinly veiled if not circumspect probing, followed by a Mortal Kombat finishing move of guilt-cultivation commonly known as "well, if you reallly cared/really tried, you could [INSERT DESIRED BEHAVIOR]."
B) High comedy when outburts are directed at someone other than you. Seeing parents treated like children is good shit.
3) Christmas concert
Every year my friend Wes plays a show at a venue in my newly adopted hometown, which will soon include my actual, smaller hometown within its metastatic boundaries. Aside from the enjoyment I glean from watching young, uncoordinated white people bump and grind, I always leave with a smile on my face. Here's to friends who make music, and to not feeling the need to consume seventeen beers on Christmas Eve Eve.
4) I forget what the point of this was. A long time ago.
In America- best work that could be described as "realist maudlin." also, the scene where he risks the rent money to win the ET doll -- makes me feel like i believe.
YES on the ET doll scene - I watched it with my mother, who felt the need to try to talk him out of it. "heart wrenching" it is not, but a good scene it is (that is the 3rd worst sentence ever written in English). I don't really know what else to say about it.
Get Rich is to Jim Sheridan as Brokeback Mountain is to Sarah Silverman (who I kind of have a crush on). I wish 50 Cent had never happened. 3 out of 4 students I teach think he's a literary exemplar.
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