Snow Day II
You poor schmucks, sitting at work, with present responsibilities, as I sit at work, attending to future responsibilities. I do find it strange that all of my friends get up every day and go to work (excepting grad school Dean, but that is a different subject).
My teeth are resolutely at odds with the shape of my jaw, and this is both perplexing and worrisome.
Picks to click:
1) Michael Lewis’s article on the NY Times Magazine on Texas Tech football and the paradigm shift it seems to intimate. Lewis has quite the eye for mutative trends, and Leach – the coach of Tech – is effusively strange. He rollerblades, likes pirates, has a JD from Pepperdine, and [insert more things that might convince you to check it out]
2) Is it possible that things never really get worse or better, but the bad things and the good things just kind of switch places and transition from place to place, flitting in and out of lives in order to make it all just a bit more interesting? See: Mahler, Gustav. Fifth Symphony.
3) Mom Butt: the most recent insult to be delivered to self-conscious teenage girls by irascible young boys – “She’s got Mom Butt” or, in more inflammatory cases, “You’ve got Mom Butt” delivered in sing-song fashion.
4) Not smoking pot in the bathroom that everyone passes by. This may prevent you from getting caught smoking pot in the bathroom that everyone passes by. Not smoking pot, period, is the pick.
5) The Wire: the show makes me want to go see B-more. HBO provides reason alone to get the DirecTV package, but alas, with no TV the package is but an empty instrument. I wish I had my very own personal assassin who wore bowties and spoke with surpassing elocution. I also wish I could make the McNulty face whenever I wanted.
well, country priest, there are some details you're forgetting -- I don't do that much in between 10 am and 4 pm, then work furiously during the two bookend portions of the day in order to cover up what I wasn't doing before. Although the brownout period appears to encroaching on the productive part. Someone might plausibly deny that i wasn't just taking lunch at my desk and using the internet for fun and profit.
what i've found is that not drinking is pretty much the answer to everything, except it creates this weird tropical weather in my head where everything grows really fast and it's fetid -- it's awesome, actually, except once a month there's a tropical drinking storm that undoes 40 years of colonial progress. fiction is what i'd rather be doing. that or playing football for texas tech. soon, art-damaged QB prospects (think 5'4" hasidic Joe Montana from Crown Heights, or spinal case who can throw 90 yds in air) are going to be showing up in Lubbock to pray to Lynch's Lourdes. Football is the best thing in the world - except it's like the placebo effect -- if you try to use it to improve culture or just to know it as more than football, it disappears, because it's not a placebo anymore.
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