Friday, June 03, 2005

W. V. O. Quine: "Yields a falsehood when appended to its own quotation" yields a falsehood when appended to its own quotation.

Movies I watched as a kid because my dad liked them and I wanted to be like my dad who at that time was invincible:

Movie: Cool Hand Luke.

Thoughts: I still like this movie. I remember being impressed with the older fatter guy who befriends Luke, mostly because of his voice. I also liked the guard with the sunglasses, not the character – I despised the character – but the attire and attitude that came with it.

Movie: Die Hard.

Thoughts: Pretty hard to incriminate, even now that I’m all neo-anti-violence. Not. Hearken back to the sophisticated terrorist cell, European nonetheless, that had no ideology but greed, and a nearly invincible blonde German who turns out to be dying-capable thanks to Carl from Family Matters. Those terrorists were the shit (the germans even had that black computer/breaking-into-safes guy)!!! Plus you got John MacLean (Bonus points: which rapper, in what song, calls himself the black John MacLean?) – bruce willis should just change his name to john maclean.

Movie: Stand By Me.

Thoughts: Not sure if dad really like this one, or if he feigned interest because I liked it. Stands the test of time.

Things I’ve done today to avoid white collar anomie:

Looked at a field guide of animals in Montana, then left the office to go outside and look for scat and tracks. Did find coyote tracks at lunch. (Remember, my office is located on a ranch in country that the government classifies as “wilderness.”)

Did pushups in the bathroom. Three bathroom trips = three sets.

Wrote this piece of shit (which reminds me, does anyone know of that Quine quote that is supposed to accurately express the notion of self-referentiality? Something like: “‘quotation . . . appended to itself’ appended to itself.” Nevermind found it. is now title of this post.

As long as we’re here:

Grelling's paradox: A word is autological if it applies to itself. Short is autological. A word is heterological if it does not apply to itself. Long is heterological. Is autological autological? Is heterological heterological?)

Read chapter, verse from Jeremiah, in the online Bible

Excerpt from the internal newsletter of the organization for which I work:

“As always thanks to Alex for his continued dedication to the Historic Key Votes Program, and for his eagerness in allowing me to use him to brush up on my wrestling moves.”

Explanation: I got my ass bodyslammed last night. I had a few Budweisers, and thought it would be fun to tackle my co-worker/friend/former wrestler/guy who outweighs me by 60 pounds. I did tackle him. Well, trapped him against a wall, picked him up and kind of dropped him. Problem was I ripped his shirt. He came at me, chest-to-chest, wrapped me up, and just drove me into the floor, back first, with most of his weight following quickly. The entire bar stopped talking – my wind was outside me – stars were sparkling – time slowed – etc.

I got up in about five seconds, went to the bar, did a shot with my attacker (whoops), and this morning woke up with a bruise the size of my foot right above my kidney. It is somewhat purplish, as best as I could tell from looking at the fogged-up mirror after showering this morning.


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