Tuesday, May 10, 2005


1) news:

riding horses across America with God alongside, in order to benefit Paraguayans

2) the banal:

it's snowing. big white flakes tumble down and blanket the green grass and flowers April showers cultivated. i used to think talking about the weather was passe, something the people in my town did because issues of substance eluded their comprehension, but now I know weather is a subject of conversation b/c there is so much to say. other observations that will fail to titillate:
a) garrison keillor's voice no longer aggravates, nor does his person and the thoughts that emanate from the mind it houses.
b) i went to church this sunday and did not scoff at the sooth-saying sermonizing. i did not sing, and will not, i believe, ever, but i did laugh with and make faces at the little boy two pews ahead of me.

3) Decency is the new aspiration. (And that's all there is to it: no gloss, no take-back, no undercutting)

4) that old saw about increasing metabolism, being less tired through exercise cuts cleanly through a lot of bullshit.

I'm off to abandon myself to snow.

Slobodan Tallguy, or this guy, if either of you read this, we need to start thinking about collaboration re: impending matrimony of Fence Builder.


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