Monday, April 25, 2005

Field Notes

On that same old shit:

"Ronald Reagan said the Soviet Union was the focus of evil during the cold war. I believe that the judiciary is the focus of evil in our society today," Keyes declared, slapping the lectern for emphasis.

What, pray tell, does it mean to be the focus of evil?

“Until we have a court that reflects a majority," Schwartz (chief of staff for Sen. Coburn, OK) continued, his voice rising steadily, "it is a sick and sad joke that we have a Constitution here."

Michael Schwartz, if I was going to play along with your rhetorical game, this is the point where I become creative in my description of how wrong you are, and drop an elaborate adjective-laden rant regarding your notion that the Court’s proper function is to reflect the will of the majority. Said rant may include references to Kierkegaard on Christendom, the Constitution itself – like, for instance, what it tells us about separation of powers – and ruminations on what it must be like to be a persecuted Christian in this country of, um, Christians. This may even be the point where I try to imagine what you and your circle jerk coterie of false prognosticators talk about when you’re not being persecuted. I hope you get interminable diarrhea, Michael Schwartz, so your ass knows what it’s like to be your mouth.

On The Broom of the System –

The analogy might be Josh Beckett in the World Series: too young to know that one is too young to be doing what one’s doing. This book is young in general. I kind of like it, despite the preponderance of self-other philosophizing, Descartes-Wittgenstein themes, and narrative 1st person 3rd person spoken written ensemble bricolage self-important techniques. I am about 1/3 of the way through.

On “Deadwood” –

Other than Sunday Night Baseball, the one show on television I watch with regularity. I read the New Yorker article about the main writer, who seems to have perfected the practice of channeling creativity via incessant self-loathing. “Being vulgar has rarely been so musical,” is the basic take on the dialogue of the show, but the various motivations and rationalizations surrounding its violence.


Blogger am said...

I have Tim McCarver to tell me Josh Beckett is too young, and God knows that piece of shit is a self-proclaiming an expert on EVERYTHING, and I have David Foster Wallace to tell me, quote-unquote, that no one under 25 should ever attempt to write anything, unlesss that was someone else who said that. either way, i'm relying on people older than I to tell me that someone is too young to know that they are too young to be doing what they're doing. I think that's how it works anyway.

4:45 PM  

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