Thursday, June 09, 2005

duck duck goose

The incestuous circle of dorkitude (which enthralls me) continues . . . thank you kirt

1. How many books do I own?

A couple hundred. Maybe.

2. Last book I bought:

Um, that would be Jesus’ Son by Denis Johnson and Selected Poems of Richard Hugo.

2b) Last book I pilfered from my employer:

TIE: Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy. [Something with “wolf” in the title], Farley Mowat.

3. Last book I read.

Jesus’ Son.

4. The book I’m reading.

Curriculum & Assessment

5. Fiction or non-fiction?

60-40 fiction.

6. First book ever read.

No idea. The roly-poly puppy, perhaps.

7. Largest impact.

God, I don’t know.

8. Most read book.

Where the Red Fern Grows or To Kill A Mockingbird.

9. Fav. scholarly book.

Must We Mean What We Say? Stanley Cavell. Imagining the King’s Death. John Barrell. I can’t say enough about either of these, although half of the essays in the Cavell book wont do much for you unless you get off on Wittgenstein.

10. Sexiest book.


11. Biggest disappointment.

Finding out George Eliot was a woman.

12. Five important books.

Cloudsplitter by Russell Banks/Libra by Don Delillo – fiction & history & creative renderings of actual things, etc.

American Dreams: Lost & Found/Working. Studs Terkel.

The Recognitions. Gaddis. (don’t know why, necessarily, but it was an important book for me)

Winter in the Blood. James Welch.

FUP. Jim Dodge.

13. Who’s next?



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