assuming a certain kind of blowback

Thing is, it may just matter, in the end, how you procured the necessary calories to make tomorrow something more than a hoped for occasion. And, if it does matter how tomorrow comes, it may also matter which calories, by which means, you made available to yourself. I had a resident advisor who eventually became a roommate who entertained vegetarianism as a kind of challenge. I don't think that counts, in terms of what THIS is. I eat a lot of meat. Used not to. Five years, never did. Then, did. I tend to trust the notion that to the extent you pledge yourself to avoid a certain kind of activity, you become fettered to that conduct, through opposition to it. in some instances, that's what should happen. in others, you spend so much energy avoiding what disgusts you, what disgusts you controls you. And that's not freedom, whatever that is. An ongoing discussion . . .
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