Introspective is the new Bell’s Palsy

It's not enough now to be against the gradual assimilation of reality television into the actual argot of Midwesterners waiting in line at the grocery store, and it may not have ever been enough.
Don Delillo's Falling Man has been reviewed by many prestigious publications, and no one really initiates an opinion salvo in response. "No one" being a symbol here for aggregate empathy.
Yes Pinot Grigio. Yes to the ultimately frivilous inconsequential "submit." And yes frivolous was misspelled.
Don Delillo's Falling Man has been reviewed by many prestigious publications, and no one really initiates an opinion salvo in response. "No one" being a symbol here for aggregate empathy.
Yes Pinot Grigio. Yes to the ultimately frivilous inconsequential "submit." And yes frivolous was misspelled.
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