yes/no questions for today's honors class

Is it okay for a teacher to say "this is bullshit" in class? Why or why not? Does it depend on the circumstances? Which circumstances might make it okay?
Is it okay for a student to say "this is bullshit" in class? Why or why not? Does it depend on the circumstances? Which circumstances might make it okay?
Is it okay for a white candidate for MT state senate to hand out campaign materials that are anti-Indian? Why or why not? If those materials are the cause of multiple physical confrontations between supporters of the candidate and Indians who object to them, should they be confiscated? Why or why not?
Is it okay for Indian candidates to put out literature in gas stations on the rez that trumpet support for an all-native ticket? Is it okay for Indian candidates to put literature in gas stations on the rez that denounce all white candidates and call them liars?
Is it okay for a teacher of theology to fail a student who expresses atheistic views and calls religion “an immense fraud” in his/her final paper?
Is it okay for a student to say "this is bullshit" in class? Why or why not? Does it depend on the circumstances? Which circumstances might make it okay?
Is it okay for a white candidate for MT state senate to hand out campaign materials that are anti-Indian? Why or why not? If those materials are the cause of multiple physical confrontations between supporters of the candidate and Indians who object to them, should they be confiscated? Why or why not?
Is it okay for Indian candidates to put out literature in gas stations on the rez that trumpet support for an all-native ticket? Is it okay for Indian candidates to put literature in gas stations on the rez that denounce all white candidates and call them liars?
Is it okay for a teacher of theology to fail a student who expresses atheistic views and calls religion “an immense fraud” in his/her final paper?
Does it matter if you change "okay" in the above questions to something else, like "appropriate," "justifiable," "forgivable," or [insert synonym]?
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