Attention Followed by A Tension, Liquid Milk.

I have a colleague who yells as if yelling will save starving children. She and I get into it occasionally when she yells at my students to get to class when I have repeatedly told them so long as they are in the door before the bell stops ringing I have no qualms. It does not help that this woman is poster for morbid obesity, and little specks of saliva gather at the corner of her mouth and on her chin when she rears back and hollers. I say that not to judge, but to indicate a certain grotesque estrangement from normalcy that goes with the thing.
Anyway, she just accused me of ignoring a “public display of affection,” which would make sense if a) I was really into watching teenagers neck, b) I hadn't spent my head buried in a pile of papers for the past 20 minutes. Evidently The PDA amounted to two students hugging for an extended period of time. I don’t want to acknowledge this. She wants to fight about it. I have given her the sigh treatment, followed by the dubious eyebrow raise, and let it all come out with the “if you feel you need to speak to the supervisor, then I guess that’s what you’ll have to do.” I have to go now. To church, for an inservice. This job demands swallowing a bunch of turgid crap. Luckily I listened to Smoky Robinson today, and am as cool as a cucumber.
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