I thought I had understood capitalism. But I had only adopted an attitude - melancholy sadness - toward it

I thought I understood capitalism until I came across all these guys doing the prognosticating who kept asserting that they weren't wrong, the market correction
I am thinking I will understood melancholy sadness but I was just sixteen and hewed to a regrettable policy of experiential learning.

I thought I understanded capitalism, but I was just giving in to the long subtle
caress that "if you can't beat it join it" puts on when the lights go down and
the slow jams come on and the hairs on my neck .
I thunk understanding capital das melancholia Rat Man Alexander Pope.
I aint broke dont fix the conceptual rigor with which you embrace spiraling
debt + vertiginous deficits = understated eternal sunshine of the spotless conscience.
Sell some of that environment we've been keeping on hand; we've been saving it
up for some time now, ennit?
A little more existential fuchsia in the old interior mental decorating scheme and call that puppy, good, ok?
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