Opacity gives way. Transparency is the mystery.

1. Corporations are not more efficient governments. They are instead increasingly efficient money making machines. And while there's nothing at all wrong with money making machines -- indeed, wealth and growth depends upon them -- there is something fundamentally wrong with trusting these machines to restrain the drive for profits in the name of doing the right thing.
2. A friend sent this by way of encouragement. I like it:
The greatest analgesic, soporific, stimulant, tranquilizer, narcotic,
and to some extent even antibiotic -- in short, the closest thing to a
genuine panacea -- known to medical science is work. -Thomas Szas
I see Mr. Szas as a tremendously self-disciplined individual, yes?
3. The nicotine cessation project has progressed to the point where I have a cold and feel almost clairvoyant from having ceded over sleep to the energetic chemicals in my body asking whence the change in routine. I predict incredibly autumnal experiences for you today.
4. Two and a half cheers for T-Bone Burnett!
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