I promise to tell whatever is expedient and nothing but what is expedient, so help me future experience

Beautiful Monday morning, walking and internalizing some music, came upon a Super Bouncy Ball and felt compelled to sling it straight down into the concrete above the steps of the National Museum of Music. And it hung up there, next to cottonwood leaves whose time is coming, for some time. I caught it on the third bounce and found I'd captured a spectator, a little black kid age 9 or 10 with a heavy bookbag that gave him a kind of geriatric hunch.
"Do it again."
And I did, and this time the launch angle was a little off so the ball actually moved back behind me at its apex, and threatened to carom off one of the Hellenic-inspired statues in the fountain outside the museum entrance. after a bit of a chase, I grabbed the ball and turned to find the audience had doubled. A professorial type, in gray suit-blue shirt-yellow tie ensemble, who I've previously seen picking up and disposing of plastic bags and other detritus around campus, was standing next to the little kid. I held up the Super Bouncy Ball as if it may be a talisman of sorts, and the older fellow smiled and walked away. I bounced the ball to little guy and walked happily home; thus the week begins.
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