Things I've been doing in lieu of reading three SDSC opinions re: disciplinary infractions for ethical infractions committed by members of SD bar
1. Listening to the Mountain Goats ("I write down reasons to freeze to death / In my spiral notebook") while drinking Michelobs
2. Shaving neck area and upper cheeks, then remembering mention of "beef cheeks" entree in the WSJ review of Mario Batali's newest eatery in LA

3. Contemplating the possibility that Barack Obama exists, contra the fact that his first name rhymes with the name of the country previously referred to as Over There, supra, and last name rhymes with the leader of terrorist organization who . . .
4. Contemplating the possibility that I did not mishear Obama's rival, Ms. Clinton, utter a dependent clause starting with "if you want" something something battle the Republican machinery(I can't remember specific content) and follow it with "then I'm your girl."
5. reading IJ's notion of anhedonia, roughly 692-69?
6. Considering the inevitable forward-looking appraisal of the Minnesota Twins in 2008, Year of Our Lord
7. Folding laundry, then accidentally knocking laundry hamper over with an aggressive opening of the fridge
8. Regarding my spider plant and its soil-depleted container
9. Thoughtlessly tossing medium sized garbage bag into dumpster and thereby enraging feral cat, then jumping back and attempting to both avoid and kick said cat when it lands at my feet and strikes with forepaws at my Achilles'
10. Remembering anecdotes I shared with my friend's wife's friends, most of whom I knew but didn't really "know," which sharing occurred last night as the humidity subsided from "unmitigated suffering" to "vaguely uncomfortable."
11. "I listen to . . . Dance Music/ Dance Music"
12. Doodling on the SDSC opinions mentioned in the title
14. Happily reflecting on the recent inclusion of an article from Ken Tremendous, RE: fame, in this week's Sports Illustrated
15. Reaffirming dislike of Rick Reilly (closely following #14, supra)

16. Puzzling over the ideational content obtaining to this: "Sven Birkerts called it 'internalizing the decentering energies of computer technology.'"
17. Hearing the lyric "I am young and I am good" and just not quite being sure about it
22. And but it's not even about making a list or checking it twice, right? B/c that's not real ("That's not real" my internal digression announcer announcs) - but so even though this took place in like 12 minutes, it didn't take that long. That's the thing.
23. Declaiming that "In The American Grain" should be read more, and more closely.

24. Confirming that "Apostate" precedes "apoplexy" in the Websters' I happen to own, but let's not put to much stock in that.
25. Resurrecting a central tenet of Modernism vis a vis a Google search for V. Woolf AND dissertation AND Central Washington pulp mills.
26. Saying adios and thinking of how I met Pablo on Thursday at the Prairie Inn and now have an entry for "Pablo" in my cellular phone apparatus
27. Wondering about byzantine excursions into anthropologically tone-deaf exercises in self-reflexive positioning, e.g. "Having spent two years with the [culture X], I began to realize more and more about how they saw me as an outsider in their midst, which itself allowed me to reconsider the initial observations I had made. In short, a radical recalibration was called for." and then, after actually paraphrasing said excursions in print, being very disappointed with all involved, self included.
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