"Unadorned" is the exemplary depiction

Send the bookworms to the woods. Catch a bumblebee in a glass, freeze it for a minute, tie a string around it, and – wham! – your kite is living. Give conspiracy flesh. Assume the surface is signaling something and read into it. Send the loggers to the symphony. Don’t forget to let it all go eventually. Wave hello to an animal. Take the oars out of the kayaks and skin the stickers off the bumpers of all the extreme sports avatars’ cars. Drop the thermometer and murmur about the mercury puddle. Shadow the man on the street who rambles on and on about the shackles of capitalism and the immiseration of the working class. Send the inmates to the island and the Australians to the open country plains. Break a window. Buttress a compliment with a qualification. Skip rocks across a lake until the shore becomes something else entirely. Disallow references to other people’s superior metaphors.
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