Non Sequiturs: Castro asks the pope not to talk about the surgery

The future is so bright, I have to wear shadows
Paul Beatty has things to say.
Renting hotel rooms makes me feel older.
Minneapolis has many streets.
Saint Paul is crisp.
I am in a room with plants.
Last night someone I love called me baby.
August is here: no bullshit.
Teaching is not a job, nor is it what one does when one goes to work.
“Hezbollah fires 200 rockets into Israel.”
Plainsfolk are full of conundrums.
My life has changed so much in the past three weeks, I can't even explain it.
I'm serious. it's not like I've converted to Hare Krishna and am now selling flowers at the airport, but. . .
I smoke cigarettes like cancer doesn’t kill.
One of my best friends will soon have a baby: ain’t life grand?
Explain to me again where Gaza is, can you?
Introspective is the new Bell’s Palsy.
Ambition is the old TB test, a needle in the arm.
You reader are the old conundrum.
The old is new problem made tangible.
Dead buildings, rotting being worked over by wind, will
Outlast even you –
So clutch whatever semblance of humble order
Your sense of decency has become
Enthralled with –
Having the oven on exacerbates
The feelings of my friend who’s
Pregnant –
Might not that idea in itself
Spur you on?
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